Hollywood Sciatica Treatment

At Specific Care Chiropractic, our physicians use chiropractic adjustments and physiotherapy techniques to address sciatica. Our goal is to treat the condition, reduce the related pain and other symptoms, and help our patients avoid a recurrence. We can create a Hollywood sciatica treatment plan individualized for your specific needs. 

Contact us today by calling (239) 369-9109. We can set up an appointment for your initial intake examination, answer your questions, and provide you with the necessary new patient paperwork. Our friendly, skilled team can help you reduce or eliminate your sciatica symptoms. Call now to get started.


Understanding Sciatica and Its Related Symptoms

Sciatica is a condition that causes pain and nerve issues along the sciatic nerve. This often occurs because of a herniated disc or another injury in the lumbar (lower) spine. When there is damage in the area of the sciatic nerve, the effects can travel from the lower back through the hips, down the buttocks, and the back and side of one or both thighs. 

In addition, injuries to or around the sciatic nerve can cause other concerns in the affected area, including weakness, numbness, or tingling. In this way, sciatica can limit mobility, cause unsteadiness on your feet, or make it difficult to perform some tasks. Sometimes, the intense pain and other symptoms from sciatica can make sleeping difficult, too. 

Treatments generally include pain management, and some doctors even prescribe surgery to address the cause of the condition. At Specific Care Chiropractic, we prefer to address the symptoms and causes with a less invasive approach that includes targeted chiropractic and physiotherapy techniques.

Let Our Physicians Assess Your Needs and Create Your Sciatica Treatment Plan

Our Specific Care Chiropractic team builds a unique treatment plan for every patient. No two patients experience the exact same symptoms in the same way, even if they both have a sciatica diagnosis. This is why we must understand our patient’s injuries, symptoms, pain, health history, and other important information before developing a comprehensive plan for treating their injuries. 

The factors that could affect how we treat sciatica and address sciatic nerve pain include: 

  • Where you experience pain
  • Whether there are other symptoms, such as numbness or tingling
  • Whether you’ve tried treatment previously
  • Whether you have other injuries
  • Your overall health and fitness

Our first meeting with a new patient is what we call our initial intake exam. During this appointment, we take the time to fully assess and understand your injury. You can expect:

  • To answer questions about your injury, symptoms, and health history
  • Medical imaging, such as X-rays and other tests
  • Screening tests to better understand your symptoms 
  • A physical exam of your back and affected areas

After we complete the intake exam, we use what we learn to develop a treatment plan for you. Our physicians and therapists work together to provide a range of prescribed adjustments, therapies, and services to address your condition, encourage healing, and alleviate your symptoms. Treatment plans generally include several sessions with a chiropractor and regular meetings with your physiotherapist.

Throughout treatment, your doctor will continue to assess your condition. We will consider your injuries, pain level, the strength you regain, and other factors to determine how we should adjust your treatment plan. We often discontinue treatments as you graduate from them and add on therapies to provide necessary support or rehabilitation.


Our Physicians Prescribe Several Treatments for Sciatica 

Each treatment plan is unique, but they often include many of the same types of treatment. Some of the therapies and techniques we often use to manage sciatica include: 

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Our physicians use several techniques to address the cause of your sciatica symptoms. This commonly includes activator adjustments, which utilize a small, hand-held device that delivers a targeted pulse when applied. This provides a more controlled adjustment than manual manipulation.
  • Rehabilitative Therapy: Rehabilitation is a type of physiotherapy that uses exercises and activities to rebuild strength and flexibility in the affected areas. For sciatica, this often focuses on the lower back, buttocks, and thighs. 
  • Stretching and Strengthening Therapies: We want our clients to go beyond regaining strength and flexibility. We know the best way to prevent injuries from recurring is to ensure the affected area is stronger than before. 
  • Massage Therapy: Massage has many therapeutic benefits. We prescribe massage using specific techniques designed to reduce your pain, relax muscles, regain movement, and repair the damage done.
  • Ultrasound Therapy: Ultrasound therapy produces many of the same benefits as massage. However, using sound waves allows them to penetrate deeper into the muscles. 
  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation (E-STIM) Therapy: There is some evidence to show E-STIM therapy can help awaken damaged nerves in the lumbar spine. We commonly prescribe this type of therapy for herniated discs. It utilizes a small device that sends electrical currents into targeted areas of the body, producing therapeutic effects. 

We may also prescribe additional treatments performed by our chiropractors or therapists that we believe will benefit your condition, provide pain relief, or address other musculoskeletal concerns. 

We continue to assess your condition as you proceed through your treatment plan. This allows us to alter your course of therapy or adjust your treatment to ensure it meets your needs during every session. We consider this essential to the holistic care we provide for each patient. When you complete your care, we want you to be healthier and stronger than before your sciatica.

Talk to a Team Member About Hollywood, FL Sciatica Treatment Today

Our physicians at Specific Care Chiropractic use many chiropractic techniques and physiotherapy services to help patients manage sciatica symptoms while we treat the underlying cause. Contact our office today to learn how we can help you. 

Call (239) 369-9109 or reach us online to schedule your initial intake exam.